Lost my favorite bangle "David&Martin" and I was feeeling down but found marijoli at "Ura Restir" in half price a few month ago!
I lost David&Martin and the bad news is that they dont sell in Japan anymore so I was so happy when I found marijoli.
However, I just found my David&Martin yesterday when I was cleaning lavatory!
I was thinking that I left somewhere when I was washing my hands so I was happy but on the other hand, its like my ex-boyfriend suddenly showed up who I thought dissapeared but I got my new boy friend and feeling bizarree....
Well I need to take care both and nexer loose again!
"My Kawaii Snap"
from Vogue Nippon official website.
Red+White+ Black=Mickey Mouse or Michael Jacksonだけど、ばっちりキマルと本当にかっこいいし可愛い!
This snap does not relate to the bangles but this Vogue snap was so kawaii that wanted to introduce on my blog.
Red+White+ Black=Mickey Mouse or Michael Jackson, but it is so cool and gorgeous when it goes to high fashion!
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